Jean-Guy's HomePage

MS student
Dept. of Computer Science
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR, 97331

My resumé. Java Development
Name Description
Percolator Java source code pretty-printer/browser/filterer.
JavaTalk Multi-user chat/graphics canvas client and server.
World Supremacy Multi-player game of world domination in the spirit of Risk.
BevelPanel Panel drop-in replacement with etched borders and optional label.
ColumnLayout Single-column LayoutManager with specifiable alignment and spacing.
RotateImageSource ImageProducer implementation to rotate Images.
ScrollableLabel Multi-line, scrollable, word-wrapping AWT Component.
TabPanel JDK 1.1 AWT container with tabbed panels (Windows-style).
java2latex (f)lex script to convert Java source into LaTeX source.

Other Stuff...

Home Mail Since 06/12/96: Counter

Last modified: Tue Sep 2 15:59:48 PDT 1997